Hi there! I’m a school counselor by day, and just a mom who wants to share what’s on her heart by night. I hope that you enjoy getting a glimpse into my life and heart. I am not a professional writer, but I have lots of things to say. I hope something resonates with you and helps you in some small way.

I wanted to start a blog after I recently realized part of my healing process was helping others. I like to share my personal stories in hopes that it can help someone else in the future. Being a counselor, I am often just the listener and not the one to share. So I plan on using this platform to share things that are going on in my life and how I have learned to deal with them.

Most of my posts are going to involve how God has played a role in that situation, and I will often use a Bible verse or two to help get my point across. I LOVE JESUS and without him I would not be the person that I am today. It is only through him and everything that he has done for me that I am where I am.

I am happily married to my wonderful husband and we have a wild rambunctious two year old who keeps us on our toes. We have two fur babies who rule the coop also. Our house is always full of our friends and family and we love to host for any Arkansas Razorback sporting event.

xoxo, Meg